Celebration Is The Way to Go Beyond Vocabulary Of Life Philosophy

The celebration is the only way to live life to the fullest because life is short and it can get lost in the pursuit of finding the meaning of life. All the ideas and intellectual expressions of the meaning of life is nothing other than the words trying to make sense of their utter imaginative nature. Celebration of life is real, rest all are imagination: In fact, you should never fall into that trap of meaning of life and all the rest of the philosophical battles that go within and outside alike. All you need to do is to understand the fact that you are not here to find any meaning of life. Millions and billions people have come and gone. And nobody has ever told what the meaning of life is. However, at some or other point, everyone has felt the beauty of celebration because that is true reality of existence Hence, you should forget all about what people talk about life, its meaning, values and other political vocabularies that just sound good. Do you need real or ...